Wednesday 5 November 2008

Our second house move

I know, I know, I promised photos. As well as being really busy at work, its been incredibly busy with the move to Rolleston and cleaning out the house at Lincoln, so some things have been put on the back burner, sorry about that.

I mentioned the phone has been connected. If only broadband was as simple! I am trying to setup a package through work, but the customer service of the company is appaling and the packages have changed from the info I was given to base my initial decision on. They now only bundle with phone services too and having just connected to Telecom it means I need to look elsewhere. This also limits my options with other providers, due to the Telecom account. I do hope to have something in by the weekend though.

Boxes .....bloody things are everywhere. The furniture was great and it looked like we got a lot done on day 1, but the boxes seem to be taking ages to unpack - well 2 days anyway, so far ;) The lounge (media room) is done, but the rest is still subject to boxes - lol.

Plugs .... We were advised to cut them off before leaving and I'm so glad I didn't! As a result we are not too bad at the moment as I have used 4 and 8 block extensions from the UK with NZ adapters for main plug, so we are getting round that. Having changed 22 100 watt light bulbs around the house for 13 watt energy efficient ones, changing 50 or so plugs doesn't rank high on the list yet ;)

TV's.....1 half works - the LCD has sound and vision to terrestrial channels. It can pick up the freeview but with no sound and picture. The other 3 CRT TV's for the kids room's have pictures but do not have sound - so they are only good for the DVD's and games consoles atm.

Speak to you all soon

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