Tuesday 25 November 2008

Chips and stones

When I took out my car insurance, I was really surprised to hear that the windscreen excess was nil. You can make as many claims as required and it has no affect on your policy or NCB. This week, I think I've discovered why.

I found a small chip in the black band of the window under the wiper, but I was safe in the knowledge that a quick call to Smith & Smith (who are part of the same group as Auto Windscreens) would fix the problem. The guy came out and tried to fix it but during the process of drilling a hole for the resin, transformed it from a 10C chip to a $2 chip (1p to 2quid). He wasn't happy, but we agreed to suck it and see. Despite this, he decided to take a measurement of the glass anyway, just in case (his book didn't have the sizes for an 08 Fiesta, despite telling me it was a stock item prior to starting the work).

At this point he attempted to lift the rubbers using a screwdriver and wondered why the edge of the screen chipped, creating a crack across the windscreen. He fobbed it off with a comment about not being happy with it anyway, but proceeded to get his proper "rubber lifting tool" from out of the van to complete the process.

He is due out on Thursday (7 days after the event) to fit a new windscreen.....