Friday 10 October 2008

The garden party

Hmmm, The Garden Party. Its the students answer to an end of year rave....on campus! The sports fields are fenced off, and partolled by over 30 police and stewards whilst the students party to live music and lots of drinks. Its ticket only and runs from 10am to 4pm, but the event unoffically starts 12 hours earlier with an all-nighter and finishes in a similar vein.

It results in a quiet campus with pockets of drunken students wandering around in fancy dress, who are watched with amusement by those of us currently still sober.

Not to be out done of course, the staff have an End of Garden Party Party, where beer and a lamb BBQ are on the adgenda for the princly sum of $4 (1.50 GBP) per head. Now why did I book those rugby tickets?

Talking of rugby, I hope we still make it as Nicki is currently in bed ill, with a tummy bug. Not to be out done Alex has "requested" a day off too, to look after her....

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