Wednesday 30 September 2009


Well, today we didn't do much. I just started packing my suitcase even though we have 3 weeks and its not certain that we are moving in yet, got to check house and get muney of bank and all that. I'm just soo excited. So yeah, just packed suitcase, watched t.v, not much actually, played with Alex on trampoline, taught him how to do somersaults in the air with no hands. He learnt that pretty quick. Well I've just watched Austin Powers and it was absolutely hilarious! It was very funny, and now that its finished Georgia and I are going to watch Titanic in the lounge and grab the duvets and pillows so that we can sleep in the lounge, we are going to have the dogs but eventually put them in there baskets.

Must go now Titanic is starting
love you all xxxx

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