Sunday 5 April 2009


Every year the school holds a social (or a disco)
the theme was tight white and bright (i just wore white jeans and a bright top and all that )
then when we get there u have to answer a question to prove u go to lincoln, so i didn't know this and didn't expect them to ask me what house i'm in so I jsut stood there for ages going, uuuummmm and then I remembered so that was lucky
I went with my friends Yasmin Shikah and Annie and the music and dancing was really cool and there was lots of people. The school photographer came and took a photo of us near the end when we were all shiny and messy hair, urgh why don't they do it at the start? lol Then we took Yasmin back and got ready for the next day at school :) we were all pretty tired after dancing from 7-10 !


Tigger said...

cool, sounds like u had fun Georgie, friends to brill.

missing u but just enjoyed our chat, comp bout to go on stanbye as no battery so i off to bed, busy day tomoz, need to mega tidy room, need to put clothes away,....well need new wardrobe that fits female hangers really! hav fun speak soon lov to all

T xxx

nan1 said...

That's sounds really gopd hope u enjoyed it
Love nan xxx