Friday 9 January 2009

2009 - NEW YEAR


How are you all? Im good are you having a nice Winter? Well im having a fantastic summer :) The last couple of days we had a water fight. So how is Everyone liking 2009? I'm loving it, it very sunny and very weird but some days its too hot and i miss the rain, i mean it does rain but not as much as England!

What did all of you do for New Year!? We had some champagne at midnight and spoke to family on Skype on the computer! It was very nice to see everyone!

We also had some snacks out on the table such as Shapes (which are like crisps) and nuts. It was all very good. But we didn't have a party with other people because mom had work the next day so we kept it quiet for her.

As it struck midnight fireworks went off and the all of a sudden the alarm at the fire Engine went of! Whoops someone probally caught the grass on fire or planted an upside down firework!

Well I'll write again soon

from abi xxx

1 comment:

Grant said...

YOu so make me smile when I read these. And I've not changed the spelling either! Love you :)