Thursday 25 September 2008

The journey

Picture the scene.....

Its 6:30pm, you are travelling west, towards the setting sun. The blue of the sky is beginning to pale and the colours of orange, red and pink deepen in the evening clouds. The road is straight, the land flat and a cloud of dust is visible in your rear view mirror as your car moves forward. To your left and right is farm land, edged by tall pine and eucalyptus trees, that act as wind breaks. Every now and then is a cluster of trees to produce a copse. In front of you is the outline of the montain range, greyed by their own shadow, but tipped white by spring snowfall. The view remains the same for 5 or 6 minutes, broken only by 400 yards of housing, just before you turn into the supermarket car park.

Today we have been here for 4 weeks.


lisarich said...

so jealous!!!!!!!!!! I am looking on a view of the stationary cupboard with a glimpse of a tree throught its window (if someone leaves the door open) Please sponsor us so that we can come too!!!

Grant said...

Hey Lisa, you know we would if we could. It would be great to have our friends emigrate over too.

Also thanks commenting it really makes it worthwhile, knowing people actually read this stuff and can be bothered to provide some feedback :)

Heather said...

Hey grant, I've been reading your blog avidly, just hadn't worked out how to leave a comment!!!

It sounds like a wonderful adventure! I'm not jealous at all!!

Grant said...

Heather you fibber! LOL
Thanks for reading and working out how to make that comment :)