Sunday 3 August 2008

A bit of magic dust!!!!

Magic or what

We've been tyding the house for the last couple of days like where the dogs have left muddy paw-prints and all the washing up and stuff! We children have decided to take it in turns on who does the washing up, laying the table and wiping! Its been fun i have to say! (Just some advice: If you are bored when your washing up sing to yourself! It works honestly. If it helps shout the song, but not to loud you may get told off) But since we have been tyding we have been on the go, which means we are ready to take the step forward, well they are im not really happy about the other side of the world, but i guess grown ups are always right and my mom said she'd always be there for me and we can come back if we dont like it and that has really lifted my spirits.

not looking forward to the day that we actually go because i dont want to say goodbye to everyone. I wanna stay and keep saying hello. When i think about the leaving day i cry inside but hide it by laughing at something in my mind! No one out of Mom, Dad, Georgia or Alex feels the same way as me, yes they are all upset but I'm the most up set, well thats what it feels like! I'm always the one to cry i never see anyone else cry but thats because they are trying to hide it! I'm going to be brave and take this step forward but the hard thing is saying goodbye, all the friends i have made and now have to say goodbye to, all the things my family has done for me it breaks my heart to imagine the day we leave but I'm going to be brave and I'm going to do it for my family. I'm going to send postcards and I'm going to make new friends, as well, i will never forget my old friends and will never stop keeping in touch with them but i think my mom and dad think its time to move on and I'm ready to go with them, i think but as long as they are there and hold my hand ill take the risk and if anything goes wrong ill sort it out. No one can stop us going and i know that I'm going to have to grow up and learn that life is hard and you have to move on sometimes!

If my mom sticks by me like she says she i will be fine! We've got a viewer and we've nearly signed the papers just a couple of weeks and we'll be off!

I'm going to miss everyone so much and will never forget them but we are 7 steps from the real thing and i dont wanna up set my mom and dad by turning them down. I'm going to go with them and I'm going to keep in touch with everyone! I am going to go to New Zealand and I'm going to show everyone what i am made of and do you know how I'm going to do that? I'm going to do it because I'm going to be the one to keep this website going and I'm going to keep in touch with the world for ever and ever and no one can stop me!

I'm going to miss everyone so much but i have a job to do and to do that I'm going to have to go to New Zealand and i also have to say i think New Zealand will be great for what i want to be when I'm older, because id like to be a Zoo Keeper and there are lots of animals in New Zealand. Ones that we dont have here so i can study them too! I'm going to miss England so much and the people in it especially my family and Amie because SHE is my BFFL and WILL ALWAYS BE ! like our best friend phrase BFFL (ALWAYS) (+) (FOREVER).......(please no one take that phrase thankyou) I will never forget anyone or anything and I'm defiantly in all my heart promise to keep kiwiagogoland running and safe and I'm going to keep intouch with the whole of England we've nearly sold the house so i need to be brave now i need to take in the fact we are going and I'm going to do that however much i will miss everyone here i have to go.

I gonna miss u all so much Love You All! Goodbye until i write again lol BYE FOR NOW XxXxXxXxXxXx

1 comment:

Grant said...

Hi Abi,

I'm sure it will be difficult for all of us, but hopefully the change will be exciting for us all as well.